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LIGHT-ROM 1 (Amiga Library Services)(1994).iso
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112 lines
MagicPubName 1.3a (6.8.93) © Franz.Schwarz@mil.ka.sub.org - Freeware
MagicPubName is, as its name already implies, a small yet powerful utility,
that can be used to inquire the name of a certain public screen. The
characteristics, the public screen must meet, can be specified by a bunch
of versatile command line arguments. This makes this utility superior to
the many other GetPubName-utilities available right now.
Starting with version 1.2, GetPubName has also the ability to pop the
resulting public screen to the front.
The command line arguments stencil of MagicPubName is
All of them are cumulative, except the Case/S switch which may only be
specified in conjunction with the ScreenName=Scr argument. The public
screen is filtered by testing all public screens to meet all the
characteristics specified on the command line. If one such screen is
found, its public screen name is written to stdout. Otherwise no write
takes place, and the MagicPubName returns WARN (5) for failure. However,
if you specify the WBOnFailure=WBF/S switch or if you passed no command
line arguments apart from ToFront/S & Quiet=Q/S, in case of WARN return,
the name of the default public screen is written, or, if that name can't be
determined, simply "Workbench".
Let's discuss now each argument and its filter characteristic:
RequireVisible=RV/S: requires that (at least parts of) a matching public
screen must be visible.
RequireFront=RF/S: requires that a matching public screen must be the
system's frontmost screen.
Default/S: requires that a matching public screen must be system's default
public screen.
Shanghai/S: requires that a matching public screen must be the screen, on
which windows with a WBENCHSCREEN-NewScreen.Type entry (e.g. CON: windows
without a '/SCREEN...' specification in their name) are opened.
ConsoleScr=Con/S: requires that a matching public screen must be the
screen, on which the console window of the stdin interactive input chanel
is opened.
ScreenName=Scr: requires that the public screen name of a matching public
screen matches exactly the given name if the Case/S switch is also
specified. Otherwise, the mentioned names must match at least without case
Case/S: this switch is only valid in connection with the ScreenName=Scr
argument - otherwise FAIL (20) is returned, and execution is halted.
WBOnFailure=WBF/S: this switch makes MagicPubName write the name of the
default public screen, or simply "Workbench" to stdout in case of WARN (5)
return code instead of omitting any output in that case.
ToFront/S: this switch makes MagicPupName pop the public screen, whose
name is output, to the front.
Quiet=Q/S: instructs MagicPubName to be quiet (i.e. not to output
anything) unless it fails with a return code greater than Dos.warn (5)
f none of the arguments RequireFront=RF/S, Default/S, Shanghai/S,
ConsoleScr=Con/S and ScreenName=Scr is provided, the frontmost (partially)
visible public screen, or in case no public screen is visible the system's
default public screen, is considered to match if it complies to the
characteristics of possible other filter arguments.
The WARN (5) return for 'no matching public screen' and the ConsoleScr=Con
argument, amongst the other filter arguments, predestine MagicPubName for
versatile usage in ARexx scripts and batch files.
In order to get MagicPubName work together with existing ARexx scripts,
batch files and alias definitions without complications, you ought to copy
MagicPubName to your c: drawer, and then create a link to it with
'MakeLink c:GetPubName c:MagicPubName Hard'. This makes it available under
the name of the common, trivial GetPubName utilities, too.
Since MagicPubName is pure and brief, yet powerful, it's highly recommened
that you make MagicPubName resident.
MagicPubName is Freeware, i.e., it's freely distributable _and_ the
author holds the copyright for it. A word about the author's
liability: it does not exist at all in any way whatsoever. You use
this software definitively at your own risk.
MagicPubName written and copyrighted, © 1993 by
Franz Schwarz, Mühlenstraße 2, D-78591 Durchhausen, Germany.
uucp: Franz.Schwarz@mil.ka.sub.org; Fido: 2:241/7506.18
Suggestions, criticism, flames, money, gold, disks, beer, chocolate, nice
postcards, e-mails, etc. are welcomed and appreciated!;-)
Franz 'Blacky' Schwarz